Thank you for registering for the Estes Summer 2025 Business Plan Competition & Graduation.

We look forward to you joining us at the Sanders Estes Unit on Friday, June 20, 2024. Check-in for the event begins at 8:00 am. Event orientation will commence at 8:30 am, and we will start the event at 9:00 am with breakfast and mingling time with the class participants. Lunch will be provided during the Business Plan Competition, and the Graduation Ceremony will begin at 3:00 pm. 

If you are a returning PEP volunteer and have not completed TDCJ Volunteer Training, or your training has expired, please visit the TDCJ Volunteer Training Portal to complete your training.

You can get nearly every question answered in our Prison Visit FAQ sheet.

If you are unable to attend the event or have any additional questions, please contact us.

Add this event to your calendar


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The Day Of The Event

You can get nearly every questions answered in our Prison Visit FAQ sheet. However, here are the most common items people ask:



When you arrive at the prison, park anywhere in the parking lot, except in the reserved spaces. Do NOT leave your car unlocked and do NOT leave your windows open (not even cracked!). If you do, it will be towed. Come to the front gate and a PEP staff member will assist you in entering the building. If no PEP staff member is available, hold your ID up to the camera to gain access to the building.



We are all business at PEP and that includes our attire. Extreme hair styles/colors are not allowed by TDCJ as is jewelry worn on facial areas (nose, eyebrows or tongue). If you have questions please visit TDCJ’s website and review their Handbook for Volunteers. Dress code as well as other matters are addressed there. The dress code is business professional. Please avoid wearing cologne or perfume.


Gentlemen: Wear a suit or a sport coat with slacks. A tie is optional. No open-toed shoes.


Ladies: Refrain from wearing dresses, skirts or cropped pants. TDCJ rules require that ladies dress modestly and conservatively, PEP recommends slacks and a jacket/sweater over a blouse that is not sheer or low cut (in the front or in the back). Both shoulders and the midriff area must be covered at all times. Sheer fabrics or tight fitting clothing such as slacks or pants are not allowed.


Executive Volunteers are allowed into prison at the discretion of the warden and his/her security staff; if a volunteer is not dressed appropriately they may not be allowed into the unit. If you have questions about your clothing please err on the side of moderation. Volunteers should feel free to call our office at (832) 767-0928 with any questions/ concerns about your visit to prison.



  • Driver’s license, state ID or passport. (Please bring the same ID you used to RSVP.)



  • Firearms or weapons – not even in the parking lot!
  • Cell phone, PDA or pagers (This is a felony in Texas!)
  • Wallet, purse or briefcase
  • Money of any kind, coins, currency (or stamps)
  • Business cards
  • Writing instruments or paper (these items will be made available to you by PEP)
  • Tobacco or alcohol products
  • Camera
  • Food or drink of any kind
  • Medication – if you need to take medication during your visit, please notify us so we can make appropriate arrangements
  • Anything else not pre-approved by PEP staff



  • Eyeglasses
  • Jewelry (not to be removed once you pass through security)
  • Car keys (do NOT leave these in your car and do NOT lay down inside prison)
  • Tissue, Lip Balm
  • Medication (by prior arrangement only)

Note: We will provide pens and notepads inside the unit, if needed.