Welcome to the Prison Entrepreneurship Program‘s RSVP site. You will find all the information you need about upcoming events, what to expect when participating in an event and much more.
Your presence at our events is crucial in the growth and development of our participants. We appreciate that you are willing to share your time and talents to encourage someone that you might not otherwise cross paths with. Thank you for your willingness to serve and for understanding the need for second chances. With a return-to-prison rate below 10%, we know that YOU are an important part of PEP’s success.
Big Idea Pitch
Pitch Day
BPC & Graduation
Bell Unit
Near Houston
Bell Unit
Near Houston
Big Idea Pitch
Pitch Day
BPC & Graduation
Estes Unit
Near Dallas
Big Idea Pitch
Pitch Day
BPC & Graduation
Business Plan Advising
Marketing Workshop
Financial Workshop
Business Plan Advising
Marketing Workshop
Financial Workshop
Networking Workshop
Big Aspiration Mingle
Barbed Wire to Business
Big Aspiration Mingle
PEP is not just a program. We are a revolution, achieving amazing results with profound impacts. At PEP, our beliefs drive us to offer the opportunity for a “fresh start” to reformed inmates who thrive on challenge and accountability.
P.O. Box 2767
Houston, TX
P.O. BOX 836617 RICHARDSON, TX 75083-6617